Friday, November 4, 2011

To: A Love Worth Saving by Forest Cooke

you tell me actions speak louder than words.
well i'm trying to convey this to you like herds
of sheep that i know annoy the fuck out of that sheep herder.
look, i'm not trying to be annoying,
but i try to keep avoiding
those situations that we go through.
you know, the ones that make you
go over the mountain, and through the roof?
but that should only give you proof
that there's a problem...with you.
cause it ain't me.
while you may disagree
that you haven't changed,
i've seen the evolution of you
and you need to rearrange
some things that you do.
now don't get me wrong boo,
i'm not perfect either.
sometimes i can be a hider
of emotions that i should express.
while one of these are unhappiness,
that's not what i'm trying to be,
or cause you any stress.
i just want you to be free...with me,
so that you'll see the us.
i'm telling you this so you know
how i feel, and that i try to show you
that our love can grow.
but you have to want it to,
if the future is me and you...

1 comment:

  1. This seems very heartfelt. and well thought out I might add.

    Hi forest! Its me Della! Longtime no speak. Nice to see you are blogging again.
