Saturday, May 19, 2012

Celibacy Blues... has been on my mind more than ever for quite a while now. Every day in fact for the past 5 months. It's not necessarily all that I think about but it's just a constant thought lol. I believe that if I had gotten it on a more frequent basis while I was still in my relationship, I probably would have less sexual fantasies because I would be making them a reality lol. But I'm not, and now that I'm currently single I'm sure it's going to be harder to make it a reality, knowing that I just don't have sex with anyone. There has to be something there, a connection. I'd rather be in a relationship, or on that path to one, when taking it to that level with someone instead of hooking up with a random and regretting it the following day, you know? I just feel like that scares guys away nowadays. But I'm not gonna lower my standards because I'm horny or if the guy is cute, he likes me and wants to get to no me better. Don't even try it lol. So for now my sexual fantasies will be nice and imaginative, in technicolor and surround sound, until that someone comes and makes them a reality.